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Join us for CTE's second-annual zero-emission
truck speed-networking event all at NO COST TO YOU!
March 27 - 29, 2024
Atlanta, GA  •  Grand Hyatt

Two days of small group supplier presentations, interactive roundtables, and social networking alongside other fleet directors.

  • All rooming, travel*, meals, and participating expenses are covered by CTE

  • Limited spots available

  • Customized agenda based on your zero-emission needs

  • CTE staff with over 25 years of electric fleet experience available to guide you

  • No booths, no hassle, you get to meet directly with the companies other fleets are working with and hear their success stories (and lessons learned!)

    *Flights reimbursable up to $500

We recognize that electrification is expensive and trucking can't sacrifice the bottom line. We craft this event around discussions on:

Opportunities at Ports and Clean Corridors

Utility Support Programs

Government Funding Opportunities

Battery and Fuel Cell Truck Advancements

Total Cost of Ownership Improvements

Hydrogen and Charging Infrastructure

Thank you to our VIP Sponsor:


Wednesday Keynote: Tim Echols

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Keynote Speaker

Tim Echols

GA Public Service Commissioner

Thursday Keynote: Dr. Ben Happek

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Keynote Speaker

Dr. Ben Happek

Senior Research Engineer Hyundai Motor Company

Panel: State of the US Zero Emission Truck Industry

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David Schaller


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Dennis Johnson

Environmental Engineer, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


Dean Kunesh

Pacific Gas and Electric Company

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Greg Kleen

Fuel Cell Technology Development Manager

U.S. Department of Energy

Panel: Zero-Emission Trucks with a Focus on Georgia


Andrew Heath

Deputy Chief Engineer, Georgia DOT

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Virginia Sengewald​​​​

Assistant Director of Statewide Project | Georgia Department of Economic Development

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Joanne Caldwell

Director, Risk Management & Sustainability | Georgia Ports Authority


Day 1

1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.


5:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. 

Cocktail Hour & Plated Dinner

Day 3

7:4a.m. – 8:30 a.m.



8:40 a.m. – 11:55 a.m.

One-on-One Meetings


12:00 p.m.

Airport Departures Begin​

Day 2


7:30 8:00 a.m.



8:00 – 8:45 a.m.

Welcome from CTE


8:45  – 9:05 a.m.

Keynote from Hyundai Motor Company


9:05 – 10:00 a.m.

Panel: State of the US Zero-Emission Truck Industry


10:00 – 10:10 a.m.



10:10 p.m. – 12:10 p.m.

Supplier-Sponsor Presentations


12:10 – 1:10 p.m.



1:10 – 3:10 p.m.

Supplier-Sponsor Presentations​​


3:10 – 3:20 p.m.



3:20 – 4:30 p.m.

Panel & Group Discussion: Zero-Emission Trucks with a Focus on GA


4:45 – 8:30 p.m.

Heliox Facility Tour & SweetWater Brewery Reception


You should be a decision maker for your fleet with a desire to learn more about zero-emission trucks. All you need to bring are questions and experiences you are willing to share and an interest in learning more about products or services.


Contact Lauren Justice

(404) 245-8589

What Others Are Saying

“Attending ZEB Con proved invaluable. Witnessing diverse Zero Emission Bus types firsthand, learning the pros and cons of BEBs and FCEBs, and delving into maintenance considerations have equipped me to confidently engage in conversations about this next zero-emission chapter."

—  Chris Ackerman
Senior Marketing Manager/PIO, Victor Valley Transit Authority    
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